Some Common Habits Responsible For Clogged Drains

There is nothing nasty for the homeowners than the clogged drains. Because the problem which in beginning seems as a minor problem emerges as a giant problem if not treated on time. The situation is not less than a curse for the homeowners when the drain water starts reverting in their rooms, resulting in the emergence of bacteria and pungent odor. Although there are lots of renowned drain repair service providers who are always there to combat the problem, the question arises that why do such issues happen despite cleaning the drains properly at the regular interval
 If you are also struggling with the same problem and keen to know the reasons behind its emergence and want to control its happening again in the future, then below are some habits which you should improve for enjoying the flawless working of the drainage system installed in your home.
1.      Flowing Grease: Flowing of grease and other fats from the drains is one of the common habits found in all the families. It is seen that while cleaning the utensils most of the women or a person washing them flows the oil and fatty substances through the drains along with water and other cleaning elements. Following this practice regularly, eventually blocks the whole drainage system. Because, due to the presence of hard and fatty elements present in grease, it sticks in the pipes once it gets colder. Going through this reason most people use hot water to flow it from the drains believing that it will melt the freeze fats and keep their drains free from blocking. To avoid this problem at your home, try to dispose of the grease and other fats separately in some boxes and then discard them in the garbage. 
2.      Hairs: Going through the density of hairs, it is hard to believe that they can be also responsible for clogging the drainage system of your home. Surprisingly, this is true. Hairs falling during bath or combing are also responsible for blocking the drains. To cope with the problem it is better to pull out the hairs from the drain spiders where they stick and then flow with water. For this purpose, you can use hand gloves and pull out the hairs. 
3.      Toiletries: There are lots of people who have the habit of disposing of the toiletries through the drains. Disposing of the toiletries like diapers, napkins, etc, block the drains. Because, after coming in contact with water these items become larger and thus clogs the way of water flow from the drainage system. To control the happening of such problems the only way is to dispose of such items with the garbage and contact any of the expert plumbing repair in Miami in if there is any blockage in the drainage system. 
4.      Food Waste: Among different reasons disposing of the food waste through the drainage system is also one of the most common habits followed in the kitchen of every household across the world. The food waste along with the other elements interrupts the smooth flow of water. The problem can be controlled by collecting all the food waste in a tissue paper and then throw it is compost.
5.      Terrace: The terrace is one of the highly ignored segment of your house, towards which no one pays attention. This ignorance can be dangerous for you. Because during the rains the rainwater flows through the drains installed for the flow of water gets mixed with dust and other elements. As the pipes installed for the flow of water are not strong enough to bear the flow of heavy rainwater, the dust blocks the system, which can be unblocked later by using the jet water machine.
Therefore, to protect yourself from the problem of clogged drains do pay attention to your habits and make others aware of such issues.


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